Thursday, December 2, 2010


As you can guess from my lack of posts, this Mommy thing takes up a lot of time. In fact, I have started working again here and there and it's nearly impossible to make plans because I just NEVER KNOW how long it's going to take to get things ready with Eva. Today's miracle is that she actually put herself to sleep while I was taking a shower this morning!! Here's proof:
 I know. I can hardly believe it myself!!

The first day I started teaching again (one class a week, on Mondays from 5-7pm for the time being), I put Eva in her Mei Tai carrier and she slept the entire time. She loves it in there because it's nice and warm and when I walk around it rocks her right into LaLa Land. This week I left her home with Cristian and they took a nice long nap together. I missed her like crazy of course, but I was happy that I could leave her home if he's there.

As you can see from her outfit, Eva is really turning into a Daddy's girl and he is nuts about her too. This is from his birthday last week.

You can see her Fuzzibunz washable diaper peeking out from underneath her "I love Dad" onesie. For those of you who asked or are curious...We are very happy with them. They do leak a bit here and there, but Girlfriend is on a liquid diet, so there is an industrial quantity of pee. Also, if you wet your diaper, it's supposed to get wet. I am a little suspicious of those diapers that you can wet a thousand times over and not feel any moistness at all. That, to me, is strange, and possibly not helpful when it comes to potty training (I know that you never feel wet at all but you should stop using a diaper and pee into this bowl instead. Why? Because I SAID so!!)

Other FAQs:

1. Is she GOOD? 
Yes. She is good. We're the ones who have some learning to do. 

2. Does she sleep at night? 
Yes, and No. This is variable. The first week she slept almost the entire night, but that wasn't necessarily good because she also needs to eat about every 3 hours in order to gain weight and grow (which she wasn't doing that first week at home). Now I try to keep her up a little later so I can put food in her belly and then she sleeps from about 1am to 6am. But sometimes she wakes up and eats, sometimes not. 

3. Where did all that hair come from? 
Um. Her dad? 

4. Will that hair fall out? 
They say that it will and then new hair will grow in. It doesn't show any signs of thinning so far. 

5. What are all those white stains on Cristian and your shirts?
Oh that's spitup.

More later. The princess has broken her slumber...


  1. She is adorable, Kari - and sounds just like a typical baby. Variable sleep, lots of pee, and super, super cute. You're doing it right!

    And the more you take Eva out and about with you - or do stuff like vacuum/make noise when she's sleeping, the more easy-going she'll be! I took Beavis everywhere with me and didn't make a super lot of effort to be quiet during his naps, and consequently - he was an easy-going kid who didn't fuss about napping if the house was not as quiet as he'd like it to be! Heck, I even took him to my college classes (with permission) when he was a toddler - and he was incredibly good!

    As for potty training - right on. My grandma told me to get rid of the pull ups when it was time to potty train and just let him have accidents, in cotton undies, until he figured it out. Trust me - it won't take long for Eva to figure out that peeing in the potty is a lot better than sitting in clammy undies. :)

    You go, woman! And kudos to Dad for being a super dad, too!

  2. What a great blog. She is so adorable and it sounds like both you and Cristian are adjusting very well to this little addition to your home.
    The sleeping will come in time once you have some sort of routine.
    I totally agree with Bad Hippie. Noise is normal and most babies can sleep through it. My grandma gave me wonderful advice as well. In my era, it was Dr. Spock. Grandma's advice, however, was what really worked! Thanks for the update!

  3. Eva can't wait for her "night nanny" a.k.a. Gramma Mag to get here!!
    Question for you guys (Bad Hippie, Maggieg, etc). Do you think it's true you can't spoil a baby this small? I feel like she is TOTALLY ON TO US...

  4. Good question! I know they learn how to 'work the crowd' at an early age. Not sure how to answer that one!
