Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Catching up with Eva

Gosh, I've been pretty lazy about posting Eva pictures. We've got some catching up to do. 

In case we forget when Eva was born...

After bath and baby massage. 

And artsy fartsy black and white with dog. 


  1. OMG! She is just beautiful. Thanks for the pictures.
    It means so much!!!
    Hugs and kisses to 'Grandma' Girl!'

  2. Gorgeous girl. :)

    Now, how 'bout that sweater?

  3. Still big but we're getting there!!!

  4. Is there a way I could get these pictures separately?
    I would like them in my photo album...and be able to forward them, but I do not know how.
    I look at Eva's blog every morning before I go to school. It MAKES my day. LOVE the one with the little pink robe!!!

  5. Sure mom, I will send them to you.

  6. Sigh. The sweater seemed so tiny when I was working on it! I was worried she'd be too big before you got it. :)

  7. about time we saw some more pix! She is changing so much, I love the one with the purple onesie where she is stretched sooooo long!
