Tuesday, September 7, 2010

7 Month Check up A-OK!

I had an appointment with my doctor today. Here's what came out of it.

1. He is ECSTATIC about my moderate weight gain. I'm at 4.8 kilos (the 5 reported in the sidebar was for one day, I think I ate a big pizza the day before or something then went back down to 4. As of this morning I can round up to 5, but I choose not to). He confided to me today that he expected me to really pork out (thanks, Doc!) because of the running ban he imposed. He says I have a good metabolism. I think it has more to do with not over-compensating disproportionately for exercise (as in, running and burning like 100 calories but taking in an extra 1500  just because)...

2. I'm taking Iron tablets every day but I continue to be anemic. Very annoying. I even started eating Lentil Soup (sounds gross but it's actually pretty good) but it's not enough. Now I have to take a tablet in the morning and one at night. Sweetie went out this afternoon looking for horse-meat steaks (chock full of iron, he says), which he couldn't find in the normal grocery store (thank god!) and came home with chicken instead (phyoo).

3. He confirmed that there IS a nursery at the hospital right now, but that the current fashion is to have mothers keep babies with them 24/7 if all is okay. Ten years ago they encouraged mothers to put the babies in the nursery so they could at least get a couple of nights of shut-eye, but now the idea is to keep the nursery as empty as possible. He thinks that it would be good to have some kind of middle road, but things don't go that way around here. For him both options are fine.

4. He gave me a prescription for more blood tests for next month, plus a meeting with the anesthesiologist after I get my blood test results back. This is in the event I have to have a c-section, and also if I should want or need an epidural.

5. He said that any specific needs or wants for the labor room should be discussed with the doctor on duty at the time, that doctors are much more reasonable than people give them credit for.

6. My blood pressure is slightly higher than last time, but it's still good.

7. He asked me if I have any water retention. I don't.

8. He asked me if I have any unusual pain. Don't have that either.

9. He did a quick check, everything that needs to stay closed for a while still is, he knocked on my back and it didn't hurt, so that was good.

It was a short visit, as usual. That's just fine with me.

Next visit will be  in October around the second week.

1 comment:

  1. Very good news...all around! The iron deficiency is not unusual.
    I had to eat liver and spinach...no salt...as the Dr. said...it is like eating a copy of the Milwaukee Journal!
    I am so glad things are going so well. The time is sure flying.
    I wish you all the best...lots of lovies, Grandma Mag
