Saturday, April 24, 2010

Okay. We can finally talk about it!

My name is Karoline and I am a pregnant woman. It has been 13 weeks and four days according to my calendar. The round spinny calendar my doctor uses, which always seems to indicate that I am a week less along than I feel like I am (which was really annoying during the first 3 nauseating months), says the due date is October 26. 
That would make baby a Scorpio. 

Positive Characteristics:
Determined and forceful, emotional and intuitive, powerful and passionate, exciting and magnetic. 
Negative Characteristics:
Jealous and resentful, compulsive and obsessive, secretive and obstinate.

I'm good with the positive stuff. And come to think about it, the negatives don't look so bad either. Resentful will come in handy during the teenage years and into adulthood, I'm sure (How many times will I have to hear "Mom, everything is YOUR FAULT!"), and let's hope that compulsive and obsessive refers to keeping the house clean (because Mom Gemini and Dad Sagitarrius are TOTALLY not into it). And, what's one more obstinate person in the house?? 

OK. No problem. Bring on the Scorpio. 


  1. Holy Cow, well I was just thinking about you today and wondering ..."I wonder if I will finally get to meet her?" Alas...NO, I am sure you will not be flying to Belgium in your condition. Allez for you and keep us posted!!! So happy for you and sweetie...Running will be there when you are ready. It's a true friend and won't leave you! Keep eating healthy and Congrats on the super awesome news!!!!!

  2. dude.
    thats my birthday ;)

  3. Well THAT makes me feel LOTS better! hahah. JK, Erika, if Sugar turns out even a bit like you, I'd be psyched!! xoxo
