Friday, April 30, 2010

I feel great!

I was feeling so good this morning I decided to hike 3 miles to work. I used to do this all the time Before Sugar, but running, and both ways. Today was the first time I had the energy to do it. I even juiced up the ipod with the cds I got from the library over the weekend and I was good to go.

On Sunday, Sweetie is going to run the Trieste Half Marathon. I decided to walk the 7k so at least I could be part of it. I was supposed to run the marathon (Before Sugar) with my friend Michael, but he wasn't able to come to Trieste in the end, so I guess we'll just have to do it next year. I did pick up his race pack (I was tempted to switch his very fancy technical marathoner shirt with my very ordinary t-shirt that the 7k folks get, but I figured Michael can use it there in San Francisco).

As we were leaving the very small marathon expo, we ran into friends of ours from Rome who came to run the half as well. Our friend Dario will run the half with Cristian and his wife will walk the 7k with me. There was another couple who came with them. Apparently the husband is going to do the half. The woman was was very visibly 6 months pregnant, and I just assumed she was going to walk the 7k with us. Well, when I mentioned this absurdity, she pointed at her belly and said, "Um, I'm pregnant!" Our two friends then, who may have already been a little fed up with the I'm-excused-from-everything-because-I'm-pregnant tude piped out in unison: "Well so is she!!" I said "Oh, but I feel great and we're just going to walk it, but you have to do what you feel." P.L. said she felt great too but she wasn't sportiva before and wasn't about to become sportiva now.

Fair enough. But I have to say, I FINALLY got my moment of feeling pregnant and sportiva. It's something I never thought I would get to experience since my doctor said I can't run during my pregnancy (if I didn't like him so much I would have switched doctors until I found one who said I could, I swear).

So I'm especially happy to feel good today, and to feel sportiva.


  1. Yea!!! This is my first visit to Sugarbloggy, as I had no phone or internet in Europe.
    Will check back often!!

  2. My friend Jo is 7 weeks pregnant...and got the go ahead to play soccer until her 4th month. She's also training for a half marathon -- which she will run in June!

    Personally, I think she's being allowed to play soccer because she's doc drags out the dreaded phrase "advanced maternal age" if I even THINK about playing "the beautiful game" while pregnant.

    Point rock on with your sportiva self, woman! It's good for you and Sugar! (And dammit, so is pasta!)

  3. okay, if you can't run we need to brainstorm other ways to make you feel sportiva more often. power walking? stretching? santa scala? by the way i checked out the bike trail in val rosandra today walking avec la pousette. wow. beautiful spot. should have gone MONTHS ago!!

  4. by the way, that last comment was me (Leslie)
