Sunday, June 13, 2010

Food Dilemma

After our weekend Tai Chi workshop was over (fun, looks so peaceful but is all about violence and self-defence! Who knew??), Cristian and I went out with our friends Leo and Roberta (her birthday!!) for lunch and the big talk was about food in America. It was led by Leo, who did his PhD in San Diego. He explained that when he was there Polenta had become the Big Fashion, and that people bought JARS of Pesto (rather than just making it themselves), and, that in America there is a brand called "Chef Boyardee" which is "Pasta in a can".

Which made me think.

Will Sugar grow up WITHOUT Spaghettios? That would be a tragic thing indeed. And I don't care about the food snobs-- even if the sauce tasted like aluminum, those little meatballs were tastey! Poor Sugar.

At least Kraft M&C is light (weight-wise, of course). I'm sure mom can fit a box in her suitcase for when Sugar is old enough --but WHERE am I going to find I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER?!


  1. Oh No that it tragic! Chefboyrdee is Kieran's "Go-to: food; i.e. the only thing he will eat when all else fails. Although it has to be the dinosaurs and meatballs not the regular spaghettios, don't ask me how he knows but he does! I'll have to smuggle a couple of cans in when we next visit. Here's another one: have you heard of Go-gurts? Its kids yogurt in a tube that they can squeeze out directly into the mouth. Totally disgusting but a crowd pleaser at least in our house.

    xxx Kate

  2. How things have changed! When you guys were tiny, it was peanut butter and hot dogs (wienie pennies?)! Nowadays, I don't think those foods are introduced till adulthood! Yes, the Go-Gurt is a hit. We use it in first grade as a birthday treat. It IS actually much tastier than it looks!
    Looking forward to ultrasound news today. Hope all is well.
    Lovies, Grandma Mag

  3. Gogurt? Wow that sounds like it should be purple or something (like that creepy-colored ketchup). Is it warm yogurt or do you keep it in the fridge? I will have to google this strange stuff...

  4. Go-Gurt is also a fave here...try it frozen too!PS: There was a recall on Spaghettios this joke...the kind with meatballs!
