Saturday, June 12, 2010

Speaking of not knowing if it's a he or a she

The fashion in Trieste is to know the sex of your baby as soon as possible, therefore it is also the assumption that people have (Do you know the sex yet?) and that the hospital has. So if you DON'T want to know, every time you go to the doctor for an ultrasound or test, you have to specify that you are not interested in knowing if it is a girl or a boy and hope that the person doesn't slip (more than one couple I know has had something like this happen: "Well, it looks like a very healthy baby boy from here!"). It even happened to our doctor. When we did the amnio, Cristian had to go to a special office to request it not be written on the results. 

Most people think we're crazy for not wanting to know. 
One or two people think it's kind of cool, especially when Cristian says "We're doing it like they did in the olden days" and "What better surprise can you have in your life?"

We have our next ultrasound on Monday-- let's see if the technician will be able to keep the sex a secret. 

1 comment:

  1. Okay, Okay...I get it! I will have to wait till October to buy dresses
    or blue stuff! I guess it is a 'Grandma thing" and fine with me.
    I am so excited to read about Sugar, however, and we are so excited about coming to Italy in July! I cannot believe you have passed the half way mark already. All is fine in Wisconsin. School is done and the summer stuff can begin. Nathan's 6th birthday is Wednesday! Remember when he was born? We celebrated in Trieste!!!!
