My plan was to take today and just hang out in bed reading after the Amnio that I did this morning. I have been looking forward to that relax time for a week. Too bad that as soon as I got home and had lunch, my body gave me reason to stay in bed for real: sore throat, headache, general exhaustion. Poop! It felt like someone took a hammer to my head to make me forget the twinge in the tummy from that big needle... At some point I just decided to get up and at least check my email, since staying in bed wasn't helping my headache at all.
I think I could have gone without this amnio thing, really. I wasn't crazy about doing it. For those who aren't down with prenatal tests, this one tells you if your fetus has Downs sindrome and some other genetic diseases and disorders. It also tells you the sex of your baby (if you want to know). I had already taken another test earlier (I think I mentioned it a few stories down) that used fetal measurements and blood test results to tell me that I am low risk, but talking to other moms here (I should stop doing that), I realized that ALL of the Italian women had taken it while NONE of my foreign friends had (oh wait, there was one). Interesting. Apparently the only real red flag is my age, because I am over 35. In fact, according to my statistics, the probability of having a baby with Downs was four times LESS than the probability of losing the baby because of this test. Both percentages, by the way, were pretty low.
So I did it.
Next question. Did it hurt? Yes. But not as much as I thought. That needle has to cross a lot of territory, muscles, uterus and anything in between in order to suck up the amniotic fluid, so it wasn't surprising. They do it fast, though, and I couldn't help but feel like Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction when she's getting the adrenaline to the heart. I'm not kidding.
Sugar gave a kick, too. And I saw that she has long femurs. She'll definitely be an athlete: soccer player and runner. For sure! Anyway, the test all in all was fine and the best part was that it was a good excuse to see the Sugarbaby, whom I wouldn't otherwise see until June 14.
By the way, she was hanging out upside down, but she'll be doing flips soon.
By the way, she was hanging out upside down, but she'll be doing flips soon.
YES! SOCCER LEGS! Sugar, your lucky number should be "10," or "00." But only pick the last one if you want to be a bad-ass goalie. :)