Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Game Plan

Man, I am sleeping sooooo well, Sugar seems so good in there I don't see the point of letting her out! But she'll have to come out some day, and that's why I have to call the number at the hospital that no one answers and ask for an appointment for sometime in the next couple of days. (They really don't answer the phone. I've been to the office there in person and you can hear the phone in the background ringining constantly and no one making any sort of move to pick it up. I'm not kidding. But I don't say a thing, knowing that I am LUCKY that SOMEONE has actually MADE TIME to talk to me when I show up IN PERSON at least).

I'll let you know what they say (when I go in to talk to them in person because they don't pick up the phone).


  1. oh that is so frustrating. sounds like a breakdown in the system. i.e. one body says "call these people" but "these people" are either way too busy to pick up the phone or else don't feel that patients should be handled in that way or feel it's not their job or something. and you... caught in the middle. 40 weeks pregnant. frusTRATing! good for you for being proactive and just showing up!
    I am thinking of you a lot and cannot wait to hear your happy news.
    Big big hug!

  2. that last comment was Leslie by the way, posting under my other google account :)

  3. I figured that! They actually answered the phone when I called (I wished they wouldn't so I could put off going for the visit...) But I have to go on Thursday morning... Ugh.

  4. OMG! This day just crawled by! I cannot believe there is a zero in the little baby square box thingie!
    Tell Sugar that it's time!
    Grandma Mag is about to burst at the seams!!!!

  5. who is starting the call chain???????
