Sunday, October 24, 2010

No News Yet

Although I have given Sugar the go-ahead that she (or he) can come out now, it looks like she's staying in until I'm (or she is) 40.The exciting news is that my bellybutton is about to pop out like on a turkey (wouldn't it be cool if it popped out on the duedate??). I never thought it would happen. See, I have one of those deep-set belly buttons, a MEGA INNY, so I never thought it possible. The bigger my belly looks, the more I try to squint at it in the mirror and pretend that it's perfectly flat, since my bellybutton finally looks kind of great! 

But that's just my belly vanity. Other than that, I'm still feeling pretty good, with a feel minor aches here and there. Nothing to complain too much about. This pregnancy has been easy peasy lemon squeezy. 

Tomorrow is my last sort of official day of work, meaning that I have two classes to teach, then I'm  taking a little break from that and just doing what I feel like doing. 

Right now that means a lot of knitting. 

Nothing fancy. I made a couple of hats. One for Sugar to wear home from the hospital, and one for my friend Klementina's baby. Now I'm making a blue baby blanket. I know. I'm not sure it's a boy, I just like this color blue. It goes with the blue of the stroller and the walls of the baby's room (which we painted blue two or three years ago).  If it's a girl, I will trim everything with red I guess. I hate pink. 

If Sugar is a girl she will probably like blue like I do anyway... And if not, she has all her life to get over any gender confusion I may cause. 


  1. I love that you are knitting! I hope my knitted presents get to Sugar before he/she outgrows them! Thinking of you and waiting on news. :)

  2. Oh definitely. My mom is bringing them with her at xmas. Hope that's not too late!!

  3. OMG! Can you believe...down to 1 day!!!
    People are beginning to call ME to see if there
    is a new baby yet! Got my hair cut and the gals
    there were asking. You are a real celebrity!
