Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sugar's first iphone?

Gramma Mag, Gramma Mag!!

Check this out!


  1. You let ME pick out the name and we'll talk!
    Great article!

  2. I don't know if I should be, but reading that made me feel better! Kieran loves the iPhone and since Kevin also has an Droid phone, Kieran can use Kevin's iPhone minus the sim card. It is the best pacifier ever. When Kieran asks for "Moo moos" or "Baa baas" it means he wants to watch cows mooing/sheep baaing/lions roaring on U-tube. Best way to do that is on the iPhone. And its alot easier to clean drool off the iPhone than say your laptop key board. The draw back is if you actually need to use the phone or if (gasp!) there's lousy network!
