Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Still Here, Still Big

Don't take my blogging absence as anything but working like a madwoman!! There's so much going on here, workwise that I hardly have any time at all to think about the Sugarbaby (except when SB gives me no choice, which is often)! Luckily Sweetie fixed the goodie bag for the hospital (including the disposable underwear that was on the list... Not seeming like such a bad idea in general at this point, really!)... We still have 6 days until the due date, and the belly is "high" according to most local experts, so let's not expect any news soon. At the Italian American Association we have the Ambassador coming on Friday morning and Sugar promised not to make a move until at least that visit is over...

Will keep you up-to-date though, PROMISE!! You should see the belly, though, it looks like a serious BEER BELLY...


  1. OMG! You are on my mind constantly! Every time the phone rings, the blog is different, it rains, the wind name it, it brings thoughts of Sugarbaby! We are all SOOOOOOO excited!!!


  3. seriously, doesn't a "high" baby mean SOMETHING? according to the "old wives...?"

  4. i added you to my homepage so i can see updates as they occur!

  5. I thought the 'high up' situation simply meant baby was high up and not ready to debut. Once it 'drops,' then we can look for some action.
    An old wive's tale? Maybe...
